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Kringle Candle

SKU: 14415

14.5oz Soy Jar Cypress & Cinnamon

14.5oz Soy Jar Cypress & Cinnamon

Regular price 32,50 €
Regular price Sale price 32,50 €
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RRP: 32.50 €

Packaging Unit: 1

Ein unverwechselbarer Duft fĂĽr wohltuende GemĂĽtlichkeit

Das Zusammenspiel der sorgfältig ausgewählten Noten erzeugt eine entspannende Atmosphäre, die Geborgenheit und Wärme vermittelt:

  • Kopfnote: Belebende Zypresse und spritzige Orangen sorgen fĂĽr einen frischen Auftakt.
  • Herznote: WĂĽrziger Zimt und die SĂĽĂźe reifer Orangen verleihen dem Duft eine harmonische Tiefe.
  • Basisnote: Warmes Zedernholz rundet die Komposition mit einem holzigen, beruhigenden Akzent ab.


More information

Barcode 846853089379
Duft Cinnamony
Inhalt 411 Gramm

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Frequently asked Questions


How many units are in a packaging unit?

Depending on the product and product category, there are different packaging units. You can find the respective packaging unit on the product detail page. If the order quantity (number) does not match the packaging unit or is a multiple of this, you will be informed of this in the shopping cart before the ordering process.

How long is the best before date for food?

For non-reduced foods, we guarantee a best-before date of at least 6 months. Reduced items may be best before goods. In this case we will mark the best before date.

Who can I contact for further information?

If you have any further questions about the product or would like advice, please contact our Customer Care Team by telephone at +49 821 - 455 254 00.