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Elmhurst 1925
COMING SOON - Um herauszufinden, wie die außergewöhnlichen pflanzlichen Milchalternativen von Elmhurst...
Unsere Neuheiten
Hier finden Sie unsere neuesten Produktergänzungen, die es Ihnen leicht machen, die neuen und hochwertigen Feinkostartikel, die wir in unser Sortiment aufgenommen haben, schnell zu entdecken!
Our novelties
Entdecken Sie unsere Bestseller für Großhändler – die beliebtesten Produkte, die unsere Kunden lieben. Von bewährten Klassikern bis zu aufregenden Neuheiten, hier finden Sie die besten Produkte, um Ihr Sortiment zu erweitern!
Sehen Sie unser Video für exklusive Delikatessen für Herbst/Winter 2024!
Our bestsellers
Entdecken Sie die saisonalen B2B-Feinkost-Must-Haves, darunter eine Vielzahl von Saucen, Sirupen, Marmeladen und unserem beliebten knusprigen Gourmet-Popcorn – mit Sorgfalt und Qualität hier in Augsburg hergestellt. Perfekte Produkte, um Ihr Sortiment zu erweitern und Ihre Kunden zu begeistern.

This is how you start the grilling season successfully
We'll be grilling again in summer! With our exclusive bestseller selection of sauces and spices you can offer your customers great products that make the grilling season a great experience do.
An excerpt from our long-standing customers

Ryan's Specialties - Our Story
This fascinated me even as a child beautiful England with its natural landscapes. My grandmother Margarete showed me Winston Churchill's birthplace, Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, and I was enchanted and infected by it England-Virus. Nowadays the experience is comparable to visiting Harry Potter's Observatory and probably just as impactful. As an avid reader of crime novels, Sherlock Homes and his Baker Street in London solved one great fascination out of. I saw Miss Marple in Paddington and of course Cornwall and loved the fine English style of James Bond. Beautiful green landscapes, the cottages in Country Living-Stil and the kindness of the people sparked a great love for everything Anglophile out of. Many trips could not quench this thirst...
What is the minimum order value?
The minimum order value at Ryan's Specialties is only €200 (with the exception of Switzerland). This means that smaller retailers can also benefit from the high-quality products.
How much are the shipping costs?
The shipping costs depend on Weight and Crowd. Small orders can be shipped with DHL, larger orders are shipped with the Dachser shipping company. From one available Goods value of 750 € We ship your order net per delivery address freight free. Further information can be found here.
How long does the delivery take?
We try to ship your goods as as quickly as possible after successful ordering. We usually ship your order within a few working days.
Can I cancel or change my order?
You can cancel or change your order shortly after it has been submitted. To do this, please contact our Customer Care Team by phone at +49 821 - 455 254 00.
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